Symptoms of the disease:
- Pain in the prostate region. In some cases, the pain spreads to the lower back, groin, anus. Unilateral pain radiating to one of the testicles is not a symptom of the disease.
- Deterioration of libido.
- Premature or delayed ejaculation. The duration of sexual intercourse may differ depending on the stage of development of the disease. At the initial stage, ejaculation occurs prematurely, in a more advanced form, the pathology is manifested by an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse.
- Deterioration of the emotional richness of orgasm.
- Loss of qualitative and quantitative properties of sperm.
- Frequent urination at night. Pain when going to the toilet.
Description of the disease
The defeat of the prostate gland by pathogenic microorganisms is called prostatitis. The prostate gland is a male organ, so only male patients are susceptible to the development of pathology.
Inflammation in the tissues of the prostate gland can be expressed by various symptoms. To make a diagnosis, the doctor conducts a series of diagnostic measures. It is impossible to diagnose and treat prostatitis on your own. You need to contact a qualified professional.
According to statistics, prostatitis is the most common disease of the male reproductive system. Often, pathology is diagnosed in young men. The average age of patients diagnosed with prostatitis is 45 years.
Signs of the development of the disease
Chronic prostatitis has a large number of symptoms. Signs of the development of the disease differ depending on the degree of its development. Symptoms may be unstable in a patient, be pronounced or, conversely, hidden. Signs of the development of the disease:
- Feeling of discomfort and pain for at least 90 days. A person experiences pain in the perineum. In some cases, pain covers the groin, lower back, scrotum.
- Lack of erection. Sexual disorders are observed in the patient periodically. Complete impotence does not occur.
- premature ejaculation. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, the patient has premature ejaculation. At a later stage of development, ejaculation is delayed. The level of emotions decreases when receiving an orgasm. Sperm becomes smaller, its characteristics deteriorate.
- Frequent urination. Patients experience frequent visits to the toilet at night. When urinating, a person feels pain and burning. In some cases, with chronic prostatitis, patients experience urinary incontinence.
Stages of chronic prostatitis
Symptoms of the disease may vary depending on the stage of prostatitis. It is important for a specialist to determine what degree of development the disease has. This depends on the method of treatment. There are several stages of chronic prostatitis:
- Exudative. Patients experience pain in the groin, scrotum. The time interval between visits to the toilet at night is reduced. Some patients feel discomfort during orgasm. Erections can be painful.
- Alternative. Pain becomes more intense. Their localization is the inguinal region, pubis. Pain during urination is absent, the time intervals between visits to the toilet are reduced. There is no erectile dysfunction.
- Proliferative. In a man with this stage of the disease, an erection may slow down. When visiting the toilet, the deterioration in the strength of the urine stream is visually determined.
- Cicatricial. There is a feeling of heaviness in the groin area. A person often visits the toilet during the day and at night. There is a deterioration in erection. In addition, ejaculation is weak or completely absent.
It should be borne in mind that the symptoms of each stage may not appear in full. In this regard, it is impossible to independently determine the stage of the disease. You must contact a qualified professional. To make a diagnosis, a number of diagnostic measures will be required.
Reasons for the development of chronic prostatitis
There are several causes of the disease. Prostatitis is a multifactorial disease. Reasons for the development of chronic prostatitis:
- Infectious diseases, sexually transmitted. There are sexually transmitted diseases that develop in a patient for a long time asymptomatically. Sometimes there are cases of improper treatment of diseases of this type. Against the background of the development of sexually transmitted diseases, chronic prostatitis occurs as a complication. Sexually transmitted infections reach the prostate gland and affect its tissues. The result is an inflammatory response.
- Deterioration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. The prostate fills with blood. Vessels put pressure on the tissues of the prostate gland. This provokes a deterioration in the supply of oxygen and leads to disruption of the prostate gland. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to impaired circulation. In addition, wearing tight underwear negatively affects blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
- Reflux of urine. In some cases, if the process of urination is disturbed, the urine begins to move in the opposite direction and enters the ducts of the prostate gland. Urine entering the prostate provokes tissue irritation. This, in turn, leads to the development of chronic prostatitis.
- Abstinence from sexual intercourse or its interruption. The secret formed in the prostate gland does not come out of it. In some cases, it may not be completely removed. Stagnation leads to an increase in the size of the prostate gland and the development of the inflammatory process.
In addition to the above, the causes of inflammation in the prostate gland can be hypothermia, hormonal imbalance and decreased immunity. Prostatitis can develop against the background of a decrease in the protective properties of the body. In connection with a decrease or increase in the level of hormones, the activity of prostate cells is canceled.
The specialist needs to determine the cause of prostatitis as accurately as possible. This will allow you to choose the treatment method that is most effective for a particular patient. When choosing a technique, the individual characteristics of each patient are taken into account.
Conducting ineffective treatment or postponing a visit to a specialist for chronic prostatitis can lead to the development of other diseases of the genitourinary system. The presence of complications can be manifested by symptoms characteristic of chronic prostatitis. In this regard, timely diagnosis of complications can be difficult. Most often, untimely treatment of chronic prostatitis can lead to the development of:
- Vesiculitis. The disease is an inflammation of the seminal vesicles. Symptoms of pathology are pain in the groin and pelvis. In most cases, pain is given to the lower back and sacrum. Patients report frequent urination, pain during erection and ejaculation. Bloody or purulent inclusions appear in semen and urine.
- Abscess of the prostate. Untimely treatment of chronic prostatitis can provoke an abscess of the prostate. This complication is manifested by weakness, high fever. Treatment of the disease in this case is carried out in a hospital.
- Colliculitis. Pathogenic microorganisms move from the prostate to the seminal tubercle and infect it. A sign of colliculitis or urethritis is a burning sensation in the urethra. When visiting the toilet, the burning sensation intensifies. In most cases, the patient complains of pain during orgasm or after ejaculation.
- Sclerosis of the prostate. Non-compliance with the treatment of chronic prostatitis or untimely access to a doctor can lead to prostate sclerosis. Signs of the development of the disease are the presence of pain during urination and the inability to completely empty the bladder.
- The presence of stones. With chronic inflammation, stones or cysts can form in the prostate gland. Ultrasound will be required to detect cysts or stones.
- Infertility. Delayed treatment of chronic prostatitis can adversely affect sperm motility and their number. Spermatozoa lose their mobility. Violations provoked by chronic prostatitis lead to male infertility
Diagnosis of the disease
The presence of several symptoms at the same time honors the development of chronic prostatitis in a patient. In some cases, the disease is asymptomatic. The specialist uses a number of measures to make a diagnosis.
The doctor conducts an examination, questioning the patient. Also, he studies medical documentation, while the specialist pays attention to diseases of the genitourinary system that were previously transferred. If necessary, appoint instrumental and laboratory diagnostics.
Instrumental diagnostics
It is possible to diagnose chronic prostatitis with the help of an ultrasound examination. Ultrasound is performed rectally. To conduct a study, a specialist needs to place a specialized sensor in the patient's rectum. With the help of this type of study, the doctor can determine the size of the prostate gland, its structure and density. In addition, the specialist during the study draws attention to the absence of stones and cysts.
The doctor may prescribe a microscopic examination of the prostate secretion to the patient. This diagnostic method allows you to determine violations in the work of the prostate gland. In addition to microscopic examination of the secret, the level of male hormones is checked in the patient. Exceeding the norm can lead to tissue growth, and a lack provokes disturbances in the work of the prostate.
Laboratory diagnostics
The use of laboratory diagnostics of chronic prostatitis makes it possible to determine the form of the disease and the cause of its occurrence. The following laboratory tests are possible:
- The discharge from the patient's urethra is taken for analysis. In the laboratory, the presence of leukocytes, bacterial flora, fungal or viral is checked in the discharge.
- A scraping is taken from the patient's urethra. Laboratory research allows you to identify agents that are sexually transmitted.
- For microscopic examination, the secret of the prostate gland is taken from the patient.
Conducting a complex of laboratory and instrumental studies allows you to determine the cause of the development of prostatitis and the stage of its development. After conducting research and collecting an anamnesis, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most effective method of treatment for each patient.
Treatment of prostatitis
If you have symptoms of chronic prostatitis, you should contact a qualified specialist. The urologist, andrologist is engaged in the treatment of the disease. The patient is prescribed a complex therapy aimed at a consistent solution to the problem. In addition to taking medications, therapy involves changing a person's lifestyle, eliminating bad habits, normalizing sexual life, proper nutrition, etc.
Therapeutic treatment
Patient care is complex. Both medicines and specialized exercises are used. The most common procedure in the treatment of chronic prostatitis is prostate massage. The specialist massages the prostate gland with his index finger. Massage is performed through the anus. Before the procedure, the specialist puts on a rubber glove and lubricates it with a specialized lubricant.
During the massage, blood circulation in the prostate gland is activated. This has a beneficial effect on the prostate and accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues. When pressing on the gland, its secret enters the urethra. A specialist can take fluid for microscopic examination in order to control the dynamics of treatment.
If necessary, a person is prescribed magnetic and laser therapy. Procedures are performed in a complex. Microwave therapy is also used for treatment. The method involves the use of high-frequency waves. During the procedure, the temperature of the treated area increases. This helps speed up the healing process.
Medical treatment
Various medications can be used to treat prostatitis. The specialist selects drugs based on the individual characteristics of the patient and the stage of the disease. It is impossible to choose medication on your own. You will need to see a doctor.
In order to reduce swelling of the prostate gland, the patient is prescribed drugs that suppress the action of male hormones. Reducing the size of the prostate improves the flow of secretions into the urethra. In turn, the passage of urine into the urethra improves and blood circulation is activated.
If necessary, patients are prescribed adrenoblockers. These drugs belong to a group of medicines that act on receptors on the muscle cells of the bladder and prostate gland. This approach prevents urine from entering the prostate during reflux.
In the presence of an infection that caused the development of the disease, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Before prescribing an antibiotic, a specialist needs to conduct a series of diagnostic measures to detect infection. The choice of drug is influenced not only by the presence of infection, but also by its sensitivity to the main types of antibiotics. This approach allows you to prescribe the most effective treatment.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve inflammation. Drugs of this type reduce the inflammatory response, which, in turn, reduces swelling and pain in the patient. The method of taking the drug may vary.
Surgical intervention
In some cases, to eliminate complications resulting from incorrect treatment or its absence, surgical intervention is performed. Specialists use a minimally invasive transurethral electroresection.
Lifestyle with prostatitis:
- Regular exercise. A man needs to lead an active lifestyle and perform certain exercises daily. This is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis. This approach will improve blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis.
- Regular sex life. The sexual life of a person should be regular. It is necessary to exclude the interruption of sexual intercourse or artificial prolongation with the help of medications. Prolonged abstinence or interruption of sexual intercourse leads to stagnation of the secretion of the prostate gland. This, in turn, is dangerous for the occurrence of inflammation.
- Permanent sexual partner. It is necessary to exclude promiscuity. A large number of sexual partners can lead to the development of sexually transmitted diseases.
- Spacious linen. A man needs to wear clothes and underwear that do not interfere with normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
- Avoid hypothermia.
How to treat?
Therapeutic treatment
The most common procedure is prostate massage. In some cases, microwave, magnetic and laser therapy is carried out. Therapeutic treatment speeds up the patient's recovery process.
Medical treatment
Specialists prescribe antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs. If necessary, prescribe medications that reduce the level of the male hormone in the blood. The appointment of drugs and their dosage should be carried out by a qualified specialist.
Surgery is used primarily to treat complications resulting from the development of chronic prostatitis. For operations, transurethral equipment is used.
The specialists of the specialized medical center are highly qualified, allowing them to effectively treat chronic prostatitis. For the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, high-tech equipment and high-quality medicines are used.